Two-part knowledge exam
You will need to take the knowledge exam if you do not hold a valid driver’s license from another U. S. state, Canada, Germany, France, or the Republic of Korea.
- The two-part knowledge exam is given on a computer.
- Exam questions are taken from information in this manual.
- You must correctly answer all ten traffic sign questions in part one of the exam before you can take part two of the exam.
- In the second part of the test, you must score at least 80% correct
- Part two tests your general knowledge.
- You cannot get help nor help others taking the exam
- You cannot give or receive the test questions/answers before the exam
- You cannot use a cell phone during the exam
If you fail the exam and are under age 18: by law you must wait a full 15 days before you can retake the exam. For example, if you fail the exam on January 1, the earliest you can take the exam again is January 17.
If you fail the exam and are Age 18 or older: you must pay a $2.00 fee if you retake the exam within 15 days.
If you fail the driver’s license knowledge exam three times and are under age 18: you will not be able to take it a fourth time until you successfully complete the classroom part of driver education at a driver training school approved by DMV or the Department of Education.(this is a 36 period course). When you successfully complete the classroom part and give DMV your certificate of completion, you can take the knowledge exam again. Exception: If you are under 18 and have already completed Drivers Education Classroom instruction you may be eligible to complete the eight(8) hour Drivers Manual Course.
If you fail the exam and are age 18 and older: You will be required to successfully complete an 8 hour “Driver’s Manual Course”. This course will be based on the Virginia Driver’s Manual and is designed to prepare individuals for the test at DMV.
When you test at the DMV you cannot:
- get help while taking the test
- help someone else taking the test
- try to get answers to the the test questions before the test
- give another person answers to the test questions
- use a cell phone during your exam